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Showing posts from 2017

August x Airbnb - The smart way to rent out your home

One of the biggest trends coming out this year for all you travel addicts out there? Smart home tech . And while these automated appliances and home fixtures may seem far from the realm of travel, we’ve found that they’re surprisingly not—especially if you’re interested in turning your home into a vacation rental. If there’s only one “smart” home tool that you invest in before creating your AirBnB host profile, make it Yves Behar’s beautifully designed smart lock,  August . Here’s how it works. The August lock system attaches to nearly any kind of existing lock structure. Once installed, use August’s companion app to give “keys” to anyone you’d like—they simply need to download the app, enable Bluetooth, and have their phone within a few feet of your door to be let in. One of our favourite features? The lock is only visible from inside your apartment, keeping the exterior keyhole intact. That means nobody needs to know you’re running a high-tech home, and you st...

WHY THE F**** am I not (vol. 2) MARK ZUCKERBERG?

Mark Zuckerberg hates Nickelback- but only his Smart Home knows! Lately we from Smart Home Weekly were talking about Bill Gates Smart Home and we became a little bit jealous. As we like to dream we decided to have a look into the home of the next Billionaire! When Mark Zuckerberg tells Jarvis – his artificial intelligence Smart Home device to play some music it will most likely play the Red Hot Chili Peppers. When someone in Marks house would ever have the idea of requesting Nickelback, Jarvis would answer the following: “I’m sorry, Mark, I’m afraid I can’t do that. There are no good Nickelback songs.” When Mr. Facebook then wants to leave the house he wouldn’t do so without the opinion of his personal dresser. Of course this is also Jarvis! At the same time this intelligent device already arranged Marks breakfast, lunch or dinner because she know what her “client” wants. Maybe this is why Mark is not using Alexa: #SmartHome #MarkZuckerberg #sma...

Nemo ist tot...schon wieder!

Hast du wieder vergessen deinen geliebten Goldfisch zu füttern? Ist Nemo der fünfte nun auch Teil deines bereits sehr großen Friedhofs von Haustieren geworden? Um zu verhindern, dass dies ein weiteres Mal passiert, können Sie jetzt Ihr Aquarium fernsteuern. Vieles der Technik, die in einem Aquarium eingebaut ist, kann auch ferngesteuert oder umprogrammiert werden. Damit sind die Fische während Ihrer Sommerferien gut versorgt. Unter anderem ist es möglich, Temperatur, Wasserstand, Sauerstoff- oder CO2-Gehalt, Licht und Futter zu überwachen und aus der Ferne zu regulieren. Besonders bequem ist es hierbei, sein Aquarium via Smartphone fernzusteuern. Egal ob Fischteich oder Aquarium, mit verschiedenen Smart Home-Lösungssystemen regeln Sie den Sauerstoffgehalt, die Wasserqualität und die Fütterung über eine Smartphone-App  - vorausgesetzt die entsprechenden Sensoren oder Geräte sind im Becken installiert. In der Kombination mit Bluetooth-fähigen LED-Leuchten könn...

Hunde – oder was Millenials Nachwuchs nennen #meinhundistsmarteralsdeinkind

Generation Babyboomers? Diese Zeiten sind vorbei.. Millennials haben vor lauter Cluberöffnungen und Yoga Kursen wirklich keine Zeit mehr für sowas wie Kinder. Welch ein Zeitraub! Wisst Ihr eigentlich wie lange ich für diese Figut keine Carbs essen durfte? Nur weil meine French Bulldog mir nicht halb so viel Arbeit beschert wie ein Kind, heißt das nicht, dass unsere geliebten Vierbeiner uns egal sind! Besorgte Hunde Eltern können ihr zu Hause im Handumdrehen in ein hundefreundliches Smart Home verwandeln! Sogenannte „Tracker“ verfolgen Deinen Weggefährten nicht nur per GPS. Die Sensoren merken auch wie sich dein Hung fühlt. Mittels des Herzschlags kann das Herrchen erkennen, ob das Tier glücklich oder aufgeregt ist. So kann sogar festgestellt werden, ob Gefahr droht! Kennt Ihr Babyfone mit ähnlichen Funktionen? Wir nicht! Schaut Euch diese super süßen French Bulldogs allein zu Hause    

“Did you feed the dog? I thought you’ve already fed it…”

The problem is well-known to all pet owners around the world: the desk at work is overcrowded and overtime is on. The four-legged friend is waiting at home and is hungry. Nowadays this problem can be overcome thanks to smart home technology. The smart home device Petnet could be the new gadget that makes life easier for pet owners and animals. The Petnet "Feeder" is controlled via WIFI and can be operated from anywhere in the world via smartphone (iOS and Android). A simple click in Petnet's mobile application allows you to feed your pet while you're away. Motor driven, a portion of feed is left from the reservoir into a bowl that is available to the animal. Using the app, the holder can specify with precise tablespoon-units how much food should be given to the animal. The reservoir tank holds 2.3 or 4.6 liters capacity and so far it can only be administered dry food. Petnet can remember the feeding times and feed on a regular basis. Furthermore,...

Winter is coming - heat up your home!

24 degrees in the bathroom, perfect – who wants to be freezing after taking a shower? However, is it too warm in your home office, you easily become tired and can’t work efficiently. The temperature in our living spaces has a huge impact on our wellbeing and on our performance capability. There are also other functional aspects which suggest certain temperatures for individual rooms. If you want to comfortably receive heat with a green conscience and a reasonable budget, you should think about intelligent heating control. Currently there are many so-called “smart heating devices” or “smart thermostats” which make it easy for users to control and regulate the temperature of their homes and individual rooms, even in your absence. They are supposed to reduce energy consumption and increase individual comfort at home through intelligent technology and through control via a mobile application or voice control. They can learn your habits and adjust your home based o...

“Nemo is dead…again!”

Did you forget again to feed your beloved goldfish? Did Nemo the fifth already become part of your quiet large graveyard of pets? To prevent this from happening again, you can now control your aquarium remotely. Much of what is built into technology in an aquarium can also be remotely controlled or programmed. So that the fish are well supplied during your summer vacation. Among other things, it is possible to monitor and regulate temperature, water level, oxygen or CO2 content, light and feed. It is particularly convenient to remotely control an aquarium via smartphone. No matter if fish pond or aquarium, different smart home solution systems let you regulate the oxygen content, the water quality and the feeder via a mobile application  - provided that the respective sensors or devices are installed in the basin. Combined with Bluetooth-compatible LED-lights, you can even simulate different moods of the day or nature. Find Nemo and make him happy!

Dogs – or what our generation calls children #mydogissmarterthanyourkid

There was a generation called Babyboomers but these times are more than over. Millennials have more than enough to handle: work, gym and attending the latest bar opening at the same time? Almost impossible. So why ruining your beach body when pets can give you the same cuteness overload as kids do? This doesn’t mean that we are not willing to care for our puppies. Preoccupied dog parents have several options to turn their home into a Smart (pet) Home! While smart cameras for pet monitoring and pet feeders don’t even seem “special” anymore we from Smart Home Weekly really liked the idea of the so-called pet activity trackers. One could think that this device only monitors where your pet goes with its connected GPS. But that’s not enough: The pet tracker knows when your pet is happy or gets scared. If your connected App shows you that KittyCat is scared you know your pet might be in danger! Can you think of a similar device for your children? We d...

Make More Money Now!! Work smarter!! This is how…

You Don't get the Ass you want by sitting on it. Get Off

You want to have a perfect body or perfect figure or a perfect shape. Things are about to get a whole lot easier for you. Nowadays as Smart Home has become a trending topic. New Technologies for fitness has started coming out.Wrist Mounted fitness tracker ( Fitbit , Jawbone , Apple Watch , etc) has been here for a while. They are good at tracking you but not good enough to motivate you and help you improve your fitness habits. Companies have come up with some very interesting products such as, Bragi  Dash The Dash is quite possibly the most technologically advanced set of headphones that’s been developed. In addition to offering 4 GB of storage in a wireless set of Bluetooth-enabled earbuds, the Dash also tracks distance, steps, pace, rotation, speed, cadence, and other workout facts. It even measures your airtime. Heart rate, oxygen saturation, and body temperature are also logged. And it’s a microphone, too. Smart...

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