In this installment of our blog, we’re going to talk about Amazon Echo, a brand of smart speakers developed by The devices connect to the voice-controlled intelligent personal assistant service Alexa, which has a very Scarlett Johansson ‘Her’ allure. Also, Star Trek – Discovery premiered less than a month ago. Why is this important? Because Jeff Bezos (founder, chairman, and CEO of Amazon) is a huge fan. You might be wondering how this is connected to our smarthome technology blog – but first a quick show of hands: Who here has ever thought about how convenient the Starship Enterprise conversational system was? Yeah, us too. Well, since September, if you ask your Echo wireless speaker Alexa for a Damage Report , Alexa will give you a rundown of the weather and latest news headlines. Not only this; Alexa will speak Klingon upon request (!). If you haven’t been following up until this point, no need to worry. Alexa is Amazon’s voice-activated assistant, ...
Our weekly installment to keep you up to speed with news and insights about smart homes! Brought to you by the CutiePies, a group of Master in Management students at IE University in Madrid, Spain. We hope you enjoy the read!