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Last night a Smart Home saved MY LIFE!!!!

WATCH the funniest Smart Home Fail here:

Imagine this: You are celebrating a party at home and suddenly one of your guests collapses. What to do now?

Does this someone just need a Coke or is there a severe health issue going on?
How would you know?

The future could look like this:
Before calling the ambulance Google Assistant / ALEXA or any other intelligent Smart Home assistant can help you to figure out what is happening in the first place!

The assistant could not only learn the symptoms by analysing how people are describing them. It could give advice on how to proceed by giving instructions for first aid for example. Moreover people wouldn’t need to call the ambulance or the police- Google Assistant / ALEXA or whatever Smart Home device could do this for you!

Some Smart Home assistants are already able to anticipate whether you are depressed just by analysing on how often you tell them that you are feeling bad. As a result they can give you advice or connect you to a specific hotline.

Looks like your Smart Home is taking care of you!
Check them out:


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