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Your Personal Life Is Not Yours Anymore...

What if everything you say is being recorded? What if your actions are being watched? What if your choices are being used against you? What if you are not a customer anymore but a product? What if I say to you that you are the one allowing them to do it? 

You are the one who is paying them money and trading yourself in exchange for making your life easier.

These big corporations figured out a way to make profits over a long span of time by figuring out that products, applications and services has a limited shelf life so rather than focusing on these elements, they started focusing on the users of these elements. 

What if smart homes are playing an essential role in this plan?

Big companies have never been able to invade your personal space. They have all the data from tracking every individual through their activity on internet or at public places through surveillance. What if they could track you real time in your house and observe your activities? So big companies like Google, Samsung, Roomba, Amazon, LG and many more are betting on this smart home technology to invade our privacy. 

As you can see, everything from your Barbie doll to your television could be spying on you. These multinational corporations are trying to steal data from our personal life and sell it to make profit out of it. They are trying to sell us this idea by claiming that they are collecting the data to make the service more personal to us. 

And it does not end here, even governments and intelligence agencies are interested in    our data. CIA Director David Petraeus has said

Items of interest will be located, identified, monitored and remotely controlled through technologies such as radio-frequency identification, sensor networks, tiny embedded servers, and energy harvesters – all connected to the next-generation internet using abundant, low-cost, and high-power computing.”

In Smart Home SMART stands for Surveillance Marketed as Revolutionary Technology.
Why not change the name from 'smart home' to 'spying on your home'?

Stay Tuned.


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